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Despite what religion will tell you, Love One Another is the only true commandment.


The rest is not merely commentary, it is in fact a serious distraction from the sole focus of any true or genuine spiritual practice.


And despite what you may have heard, "Love" is not a difficult thing to define.


In this context Love comprises any action of the body (including speech) which is genuinely directed towards the welfare of another person and not your own welfare.


Love can be epic or humble. It can consist in laying down our lives for one another, but also in small but important acts of kindness, generosity, hospitality, counsel, support, encouragement, and all other forms of humane warmth, help and affection.


The books that I have written aspire mostly to be clear exemplars of love: what loving conduct between people looks like, both in its epic and its simple modes.


They are my contribution to what I hope will be a growing testament to the primacy of love; my small part of "the vast Book of Love that may one day be set down".


More recently I have also felt called to speak to that Gospel of Love, and to defend it against every kind of shonk and flim-flam merchant who would entice Her people away from its simple truth.


That's pretty much it!


One of my current aims  is to find other parts of this Book of Love that have been written by other people, and certainly to encourage people to begin setting their parts down.


Do please get in touch if you have something to share!

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