It's important to note that my books are not really novels, and that I have never sought to become the kind of writer who commands the attention of publishers and prosperous older white women at literary festivals.
It's OK, I'm pretty sure they don't like me either :-)
My books are simply exemplars of love between human beings. That's it. Written in service of my view that Love one Another is the whole of spiritual wisdom, that there is no other spiritual truth or spiritual practice outside of that one very simple (and yet very demanding) injunction.
The style that I call Hypnogogic (Hyp) Prose is a rhetorical engine designed to enhance and amplify the emotional impact of these love stories. It's a loose constellation of literary effects and techniques that are designed (in hope) as a "more perfect logos" in order to vivify the reader's experience of the story and apprehension of the profound emotional movements within the text.
Hyp Prose is an adapted version of western scriptural speech, owing mostly to the stark rhythm and repetition of the Hebrew poetry which drives the poetic and wisdom literature of the Old Testament.
It owes also to the elevated speech of various other scriptural traditions, which I think have the same basic root and basic sound. Hyp Prose synthesises and modernises this language, smoothing and democratising it to the point where it can effectively reach modern - and largely profane - audiences.
My books don't easily fit into any genre. They are not really fiction, and they are certainly not literary fiction. They may belong to something like the "New Sincerity" movement predicted by the late (and very great) David Foster Wallace:
The perfect book would be both technically brilliant and be so sad it would make you want to jump off a bridge... it would have a full intellectual aesthetic and an absolutely full emotional effect.
The best genre descriptor I have come up with is "New Scripture" which is nowhere near as high-falutin as it sounds... being works encompassing a very simple message: Love One Another and here is what that looks like. Because nobody seems to remember these days what love actually looks like...