Much of my fiction uses a set of rhetorical devices that I call (for want of an existing classification) Hypnogogic Prose, or Hyp Prose for short.
Hyp Prose is prose imbued with various features of poetry, the stark metre and strange run-on rhythms of poetic and scriptural speech.
This rythmic, sonorous speech induces readers to quiet their critical minds and enter into a state of deep emotional receptivity.
Hyp Prose matched with narratives of beauty and tragedy - stories about love and about death, stories of love triumphing over death - can produce profound movements of the spirit in the reader, building empathy and allowing healing/catharsis to occur.
Hyp prose wedded to the deepest themes: this is the basic technique of scripture. New Scripture must acknowledge and absorb this technique in order to present persuasive humanist alternatives.
Thanks for reading! For more on Hyp Prose go to or check out my books on Amazon.
P. Julian
20 June 2018